YouTube feed

ByteLife Solutions

  • ByteLife Spring Conference 2014 Panel Discussion moderated by Andres Kütt

  • “Software Defined Network Security – Really?” by Kalev Kuusik

  • “Prerequisites for the Defence Game” by Kristjan Gildemann

  • ByteLife Spring Conference 2014 keynote: “What Can Cyber Criminals Teach to IT?” by Taavi Must

  • “Building Security Into an Agile Internet-banking Project” by Anton Keks

  • “DevOps and Security, a Match Made in Heaven or a Forced Marriage from Hell?” by Frank Breedijk

  • “The New Model for Security – Intelligent Cyber Security for the Real World” by Juha Launonen

  • “Security and Self-destructive Mindset” by Lauri Almann

  • “Cloud Scale Datacenters” by Tarmo Tikerpäe

  • “Information System Defence – a Battle With Time” by Jaan Priisalu

  • “Cyber Defence Exercises – How and Why” by Andrus Padar

  • VMware View Failover Automation – Long